Santa Rosa Child Support Attorney
Experienced Child Support Lawyers in Santa Rosa, CA
A lot of times, child support payments are not paid on time. If you have been ordered to pay child support by the court and have not yet made the complete payment or have made it partially, you may be deemed to have child support arrears. Don’t know what child support arrears mean? Child support arrears is the interest that must be collected and repaid. Our Santa Rosa child support attorneys at Conway Law Trial Attorneys in Santa Rosa, CA, have the relevant experience and expertise in dealing with such matters. They will make sure to provide you with legal support concerning matters regarding child support.
Every child and every parent deserves support. We will work hard to ensure that you receive adequate child support and ensure that your child gets the best financial aid possible.
Santa Rosa, CA Child Support
Under the law of California, both parents are under an obligation to provide for their child financially until the child reaches the majority age as specified in the country. Therefore, when one of the parents is unable to provide financial support to the child, then the other parent can take the matter to court, enforcing their right to seek the payment along with interest on behalf of the minor child. This will include monetary sanctions as well.
It must be noted that you cannot get away with missed child support payments unless the other party waives of his or her right to receive the payment; however, the court decides there are certain limitations to this rule as well. The party needs to establish a bona fide dispute regarding the existence of child support arrears before the family court judge.
What Is Meant By Child Support Arrears?
Child support arrears amount to the debt that many parents owe when they miss their child support payments. States can charge interest on the missed payments at the rate that the law has set. These interests are determined in the same way as other civil judgments. These interests are looked upon as an incentive to make the payments on time and impose penalties on those who do not.
What Happens When There Is No Order?
In situations where there does not appear to be an order from the court related to providing child support payments, then there won’t be any arrears in case of non-payment with regards to an oral agreement between the parents.
Determining Child Support
The courts use a standard formula to determine what amount should be paid. Each spouse will be asked to complete an Income and Expense Declaration, under penalty of perjury, detailing their current income and expenses. The court inputs Information from this form into a computer program to determine support. It is the decision of the court to determine the amount to be paid for child support.
Court Penalties
The courts of California can also impose penalties on the parent who does not make the payments on time in the form of arrears. In addition to this, if the parent continues with this behavior, then the court can hold him or her in contempt of the court, which can lead to imprisonment and fines.
Contact Our Santa Rosa Child Support Attorneys
Child support arrears have a negative impact on your child’s life. If you are facing a situation with child support arrears, it is important that you contact a knowledgeable and experienced family law attorney. Taking such matters to family court is the ideal way to get child support payments on time. You can contact our Santa Rosa child support attorney to discuss your matter.